Thursday, June 24, 2010

Long Time- No See

Hey there. I know it's been 8 long months since I wrote. Sorry. Been having a hard time physically but I won't bored you with the details. (maybe in another post.) I am venturing back into REI wholesaling. I'm going to tread lightly though because I'm still so unsure about what to do. Things were not going so well and I don't want to psych myself up only to be let down again. I am going to let God decide if this is the career path for me.

Thanks for reading!
Sincerely in Christ,
Leesa C.


  1. Hi Leesa! I didn't even know you had a blog... somehow I missed it!

    I don't know what's been happening, but if you want, email me, or call. We can chat, and pump each other up! I'd love to hear from you!

    jodiquinn at charter dot net
    or 7155778688

  2. Leesa, sorry to hear that things have been difficult for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you determine how to proceed!

  3. You ladies are awesome!:) Thanks for caring.
