Monday, March 30, 2009

The Beginning/Reasons For Venturing into REI

I am attempting to see if it is possible to start this business of Real estate wholesaling without the use of our own money. This blog will help me to brain storm ideas. Hopefully, it will also help others who want to start but don’t know what to do.

It will get me organized with all the thoughts I have in my head and make me accountable to myself. It will let others know what I do and streamline the process. It will be a daily reminder of why I am getting myself into this business.

My Top Ten Reasons For Starting My Real Estate Wholesale Business: (and the blog!:-)

1)Jerry - My wonderful husband

2- 8)Cecilia, Alayna, Miah, Sarah, Hannah, Rebekah, and Jeremiah Jr. - our six girls and one boy!

9) Money- The possibility of earning chunks of money to pay off the car, the house, and school loan is a great motivator! and will make us debt free!(Thanks to listening to Dave Ramsey:-)

10) Time - I have plenty of it during the day to focus on finding deals and buyers (just bring my littlest with me while older ones are at school)

Top Tens Reasons Why I Haven't Been More Consistent:

1) Fear - Talking to more experienced investors and potential buyers. I know it's stupid to be afraid of talking to people but it's because I still consider myself a newbie and haven't closed my first deal yet. I just get flustered talking to people I don't know. I WILL GET OVER IT!!!!

2) No real buyers list - just a bunch of wanna be investors from craigslist. (I can't figure out why people think it is so great to post stuff there? I haven't gotten too much from it.)

3) Lack of organization - you would think that with 7 children I would be more organized:-(
but I am starting to turn this around.

4) Marketing Plan - How to market to buyers (Cash Buyers not tire kickers) that will have them begging to be on my exclusive buyers list.

5) No Mentor - I think this is necessary

6) No money - to put into the business. You really do need some to market to buyers and sellers and for earnest deposits and such. I am finding out the hard way!. I also found out a long time ago that the gurus are bogus!!!!

7)-10) Fear of failure - need I say more? At this stage in my life, I have no time for it!

Thanks for reading!

Sincerely in Christ,

Leesa C.


L.J. Cramer Properties